On Cloudmonster NYC: Run Together with Brooklyn United

On Cloudmonster NYC: Run Together with Brooklyn United

The NYC Marathon experience is the two million spectators across the five boroughs who are cheering for the elite pro-athletes to the everyday runner making their effort at their first marathon. The NYC marathon is a citywide participation and experience made possible by not just the runners but also those that support the main event. The local stories are very much apart of the marathon as with the actual runners. These pieces of New York “run together” on the first Sunday of November every year. Alumni has reached out to communities that directly and indirectly participate in the annual NYC marathon to tell their authentic stories on their experiences.

The Brooklyn United Music and Arts Program (BU) is a community-based organization that serves New York City youth. As an art form, marching band combines the elements of musicianship and pageantry and allows each student to participate in an all encompassing and life changing activity. Brooklyn United is focused on the development of youth through Academic Support, Character Development, Skills Building and Performance Opportunities. It is through these pillars that we strive to build strong, well rounded, healthy, confident and capable young people.

Brooklyn United's drum line has been a staple in the New York City marathon year after year contributing to the city's energy on marathon day. See what it's like for Brooklyn United on their marathon experiences on episode two of a three part series.

The On Cloudmonster NYC is now available at Alumni Flushing NYC and online now

Special thanks: Brooklyn United

Producer: Hikalu Jane Takahashi

Creative Director: Ribo Azumaya

Director of Photography: Maksim Axelrod

B-Cam Operator: Julian Watanabe-Neis

Editor / Colorist: Ted Maniatakos

Photographer: Nao Fukui

Photo Assistant: Dominic Lorenzo

Production Assistant: Michael Stewart